Hello people, from a very tiny corner in the world in which I am being consumed by the knowledge I am gaining with the project I am currently working on.
I am currently working on my last project for design studio which is supposed to be a public leisure centre that has its hybrid ecology combined in it. Mine has taken more of a different concept that focuses solely on the journey of bathing as a roman person. More about the project will be found here.
The interim review (halfway through the project), went great. The teachers loved the idea and wanted me to explore it. What I am focusing on is what I realised the project slowly was representing at the same time.
As I was designing, keep in mind, I was doing my research for my synopsis so I was delving into the brutalist and modernist movements to try and understand what went wrong to create the topic which would be a dystopian architecture in the future. With all this research embedded, my design, subconsciously without meaning to, started to take the form of a modernist/brutalist design.
The geometry with a will to let loose. A strive to chaos yet a fully controlled design is what the building represents. An approach to movements of the past in a new after late modernist worlds.